Tag Archives: Quran Recitation

What Does the Quran Recitation Really Mean?

Recitation is the word that the Quran uses to describe the act of its reading. No single word in English can convey its full meaning. ‘To follow’ is the closest to its primary meaning.‘To read’ is only secondary,for in reading too, words follow each other, one closely behind the other,in an orderly and meaningful sequence.If one word does not follow the other,
or if the sequence and order is not observed, the meaning is destroyed.So, primarily, recitation means to move closely behind,to go forward, to flow in a sequence,to go in pursuit, to take as a guide, leader, master, a model, to accept the authority
, to espouse the cause, to act upon, walk after, practice a way of life, to understand, to follow the train of thought – or to follow.

How to Learn Reading Quran in 60 Days: Complete Guide

How to Learn Reading Quran in 60 Days Complete Guide - QuranAyat.com

Many Muslims around the world explore the dimensions and teachings of Islam to understand their religion much better. The very first step towards this goal is learn reading Quran. The Holy Quran is the only divine book with credible verses and complete guide of how a Muslim should live. Quran Reading is one of the …

Best Online Quran Classes in Ramadan 2021

Best Online Quran Classes in Ramadan 2021 - Quran Ayat

While Ramadan 2021 is approaching, many Muslims from around the world plan to dedicate this holy month to obtain Allah’s (SWT) forgiveness, blessing, and satisfaction. One of the best acts to achieve this noble goal is learning Quran in Ramadan. Yes, you have read it correctly! Ramadan and Quran have strong bond since the beginning …

The Best Way to Learn Quran Online

The Best Way to Learn Quran Online - Quran Ayat

As a Muslim living in the 21st century, you must have realized the benefits of learning Quran online. Yet, you must be wondering what is the best way to learn Quran online? In this article, we’ll get to know the best way to learn Quran online and how to learn Quran online with Tajweed for …

Learn Noorani Qaida Online Fast & Easy

Learn Noorani Qaida Online Fast & Easy - Quran Ayat

“Noorani Qaida”, what a trending term among those learning Quran for beginners, especially non-Arabic speaking?! Do you imagine that over 100,000 Muslims from around the globe learn Noorani Qaida online every year?! What is Noorani Qaida? (Noorani Qaida Meaning) “Noorani Qaida” or “Qaida” is actually a special book made with non-Arabic speaking Muslims in mind …

Learn Quran Recitation

Learn Quran Recitation - Quran Ayat

Many Muslims from around the globe seek to learn Quran recitation either for themselves or for their children. It’s an amazing spiritual & physical journey full of rewards and blessings from Allah (SWT). In this article, you’ll get to know: What is Quran Recitation? What are The 10 Styles of Reciting Quran? What are The …

Learn Quran With Tajweed Online

Learn Quran With Tajweed Online - Quran Ayat

Have you ever thought to learn Quran with Tajweed online?! In case you haven’t yet, you really should. The experience of the Quran e-learning itself is marvelous, interesting, interactive, and 100% safe. You’d be able to learn Tajweed rules & perfect Quran recitation online with native Quran tutors who walk with you or your kids …

Learn Quran Safely From Coronavirus

Learn Quran Safely from Coronavirus - Quran Ayat

Due to the crisis of Coronavirus (COVID-19), many people who used to learn Quran at the mosque, Quran school, academy or even with a private tutor at home, they can’t continue attending their classes now. As the disease outbreak in nearly every country in the world, governments decided to shut down many facilities including education; …

Learn The Quran, The Book of Allah

Learn The Quran - Quran Ayat

People who seek to learn the Quran, exerting effort, time and even money in the process, are the most enlightened people on the earth. They realized the importance and power of the Quran, the most profound source of knowledge in the whole universe across time and life! That’s why people from across the globe keen …

Learn Quran For Kids

Learn Quran for Kids - Quran Ayat

Nowadays, so many Muslim parents from different countries and cultures seek to learn Quran for kids. They have realized that teaching the Quran to their kids is the best investment they can do for them; the Quran is the source of knowledge and the key to succeeding in this life and hereafter. When parents think …